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Spring WebFlux Rest API internationalization i18n
The purpose of this story is to explain how to configure and handles internationalization in a Spring WebFlux Rest API.
· Prerequisites
· Overview
· What is Internationalization?
· Getting Started
∘ MessageSource Bean
∘ Custom class for LocaleContextResolver
∘ MessageTranslator class
∘ Translation files
· Testing
· Conclusion
· References
This is the list of all the prerequisites for following this story:
- Java 17
- Spring Boot / Starter WebFlux 3.0.5
- Maven 3.6.3
- Postman
When you produce public APIs, you don’t know which clients will consume your services, so it’s important to standardize your API’s return messages so you can communicate effectively with your consumers.
The Java Platform provides a rich set of APIs for developing global applications. These internationalization APIs are based on the Unicode standard and include the ability to…