Lab4 (Spring Boot/K8S): Using Kubernetes Secrets in Spring Boot

Eric Anicet
8 min readMay 20, 2024

Hello Devs 👋 ! . We continue the Kubernetes and Spring Ecosystem journey. In this story, we’ll explore Kubernetes Secrets.

· Overview
∘ What are Kubernetes Secrets?
∘ Types of Secret
· Working with Secrets
∘ Spring Data MongoDB
∘ Creating Secrets Using a Manifest File
∘ How to Use Kubernetes Secrets
∘ Deploy the container image to Kubernetes
· What are the limitations of Kubernetes Secrets?
· Conclusion
· References

This series of stories shows how to use Kubernetes in the Spring ecosystem. We work with a Spring boot API and Minikube to have a lightweight and fast development environment similar to production.

